Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
223 lines
Title -Utility Program to Dump the Screen to a Disk File
Page ,132
This program this a memory-resident utility that uses INT 5
(PrtSc) to dump the screen contents to a disk file. The
filename is chosen when the program is loaded into memory, and
remains in effect until the system is re-booted. Each additional
use of Shift-PrtSc appends to the existing file.
;----- (this value will change if the program is modified)
installed_filename equ 02BAH ; offset of filename in
; program when it is installed
cr equ 0DH
lf equ 0AH
if1 ; include macro library
include Lib1.ASM
abso segment at 0 ; Interrupt vector table
org 4*5H ; vector for INT 5
print_int DD ?
abso ends
code segment
org 100H
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code
first: jmp start
print_vector DD ? ; Save the old vector address
cls ; clear screen
locate 3,0
writestr msg1 ; display greeting
mov DX,offset kbd_buffer_size
mov AH,0AH
int 21H
xor BX,BX
mov BL,keys_typed ; length of file name
mov filename[BX],0 ; place a zero terminator
sub AX,AX
mov ES,AX
assume ES:abso ; get original int 5H vector
mov AX,word ptr print_int ; and save it in print_vector
mov BX,word ptr print_int+2
mov word ptr print_vector,AX
mov word ptr print_vector+2,BX
cmp BX,0F000H ; does it still point to BIOS?
jnz already_loaded ; no - this prog. probably loaded
; (no interrupts while setting new vectors)
cli ; disable interrupts
mov word ptr print_int, offset print_handler ; offset
mov word ptr print_int+2,CS ; code seg
sti ; re-enable interrupts
lea DX,prog_end ; point to end of program
int 27H ; exit and stay resident
already_loaded: ; change the output filename
cli ; disable other interrupts
mov si,offset filename
mov di,installed_filename ; DI points to offset of filename
; in the installed procedure.
mov ax,bx
mov es,ax
mov cx,15 ; now copy the filename into
rep movsb ; the installed procedure
sti ; re-enable interrupts
int 20H ; exit, but not resident.
;------- This routine handles INT 17H BIOS calls
; Output is automatically routed to <filename>.
print_handler proc far
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code
cli ; disable outside interrupts
push AX
push BX
push CX
push DX
push DS ; save current DS
push CS ; set DS to CS
pop DS
call get_screen ; dump screen to buffer
sti ; re-enable interrupts
mov DX,offset filename
mov AH,3DH ; function=open
mov AL,1 ; mode: output
int 21H ; file handle in AX
jnc move_file_pointer ; file exists if no carry
mov AH,3CH ; function=create
mov CX,0 ; file attribute=normal
int 21H ; file handle in AX
jnc move_file_pointer ; no error? move pointer
writestr err1 ; if carry, then error
mov BX,AX ; file handle
mov AH,42H ; function=move pointer
mov AL,2 ; move to end of file
xor CX,CX ; plus offset CX:DX
xor DX,DX
int 21H
mov AH,40H ; function: write to device
mov CX,buffer_length ; char count
mov DX,offset hold_buffer
int 21H
jnc close_file ; no error? Close file
writestr err2 ; yes? print message
close_file: ; (BX contains file handle)
mov AH,3EH ; close file and flush buffer
int 21H
pop DS ; Restore all changed
pop DX ; registers.
pop CX
pop BX
pop AX
iret ; Return from interrupt
err1 DB 'Error in Opening the Screen Dump File. '
DB 'Please check the disk.',cr,lf,0
err2 DB 'Error in Writing to the Screen Dump File. '
DB 'Please check the disk.',cr,lf,0
kbd_buffer_size DB 14
keys_typed DB 0
filename DB 15 dup(' '),0 ; Must have zero terminator
; for the OPEN function.
print_handler endp
; This procedure takes a direct-memory snapshot of the screen
; and saves it to a buffer. Every other character is saved,
; so that it may be written to a text file.
get_screen proc near
push DS
push AX
push CX
push SI
push DI
mov AX,0B000H ;screen buffer for monochrome
mov DS,AX
mov BX,25 ;number of screen lines
xor SI,SI
mov DI,offset hold_buffer
mov CX,80 ;characters per line
mov AL,[SI] ;get screen character
mov CS:[DI],AL ;and place in CS:hold_buffer
add SI,2 ;skip to next screen character
inc DI ;point to next position in buffer
loop get_char ;until CX=0
add_crlf: ; (add a CRLF to buffer at end of each line)
mov byte ptr CS:[DI],0DH
mov byte ptr CS:[DI+1],0AH
add DI,2
dec BX
cmp BX,0 ;last line of screen?
jnz next_line ;no- do another
pop DI
pop SI
pop CX
pop AX
pop DS
hold_buffer DB 2050 dup(0) ;(25*80, + (25*2-cr/lf)
buffer_length DW $-hold_buffer
buffer_end label byte ; marker for end of buffer
get_screen endp
prog_end label byte ;***** End of Resident Program ******
;------------------- Data Area....Not resident -----------------
Msg1 DB 9,' S C R N D M P . C O M',cr,lf,cr,lf
DB 9,'By Kip Irvine (Version 1.0, 04/85)',cr,lf
DB 79 dup(0c4H),3 dup(cr,lf)
DB 9,'This is a memory-resident program that allows you to dump ',cr,lf
DB 9,'the contents of the screen at any time to a chosen filename.',cr,lf
DB 9,'For example, while using WordStar or Lotus 1-2-3, you can type',cr,lf
DB 9,'<Shift - PrtSc> to append to the disk file that was chosen',cr,lf
DB 9,'when the program was loaded.',cr,lf
DB cr,lf
DB 9,'The same filename will be added to until this program is ',cr,lf
DB 9,'loaded again.',cr,lf
DB 9,'To clear this program from memory so that PrtSc can be used ',cr,lf
DB 9,'for its normal function, you must re-boot the system.',3 dup(cr,lf)
DB 79 dup(0c4H),cr,lf
DB 9,'Name of output file to be created?...',0
code ends
end first